Tiramisú and happy new year.

Hi everyone, happy 2015 to you, who keeps reading my lately lazy blog 😉 🙂 Hope you had a lovely Christmas and lot of fun on new year’s eve!
I came back with plenty of recipes which I would love to share with you guys and I will begin with a dessert, the other way around! Enjoy!

500ml cream
cocoa powder
savoiardi – ladyfingers
espresso coffee
dark chocolate chips

Prepare 3 large cups of espresso coffee (I used my beloved italian Moka) and set aside. Prepare the filling by whipping the cream, add sugar if needed and 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Take the biscuits and soak one by one in coffee, layer a large tin with them. Fill the tin with alternate layers of biscuits and cream till the edge. Sprinkle pure chocolate chips on the last layer of cream and set the tiramisú in the fridge for at least 5 hours. It will taste better if prepared one evening before serving.

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